Motor City Hymns!

Album Release:

Motor City Hymns is out now!  Proceeds from sales will support global clean water projects.  Pick up your copy and share!

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Support for Motor City Hymns provided by:

United Methodist Communications graciously contributed studio time for this project.

United Methodist Communications graciously contributed studio time for this project.

YPM's "Conspiritor Collective" is helping spread the word about this project.

YPM's "Conspiritor Collective" is helping spread the word about this project.

Young People's Ministries provided staff assistance in planning program enhancements for our recording trip to Nashville. 

Young People's Ministries provided staff assistance in planning program enhancements for our recording trip to Nashville. 

Wayne State students helped connect us with studio time and provided engineering assistance as well.

Wayne State students helped connect us with studio time and provided engineering assistance as well.

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