Our Conspiracies over the years...

Multiplying Goodness

With $100 mini-grants #motowesley students have been creating "conspiracies of goodness" since we re-launched this Wayne State based, UMC-related campus ministry back in 2009.

Now we are celebrating over $11,000 in combined mission/service output, and over 600 persons engaged by these student-led efforts.

Motor City Wesley - Projects By Year

Totals equal over $11,000 produced and 600 people engaged in these conspiracies of goodness for and with the people of Detroit, MI.

Download our Full 2016 Ministry Report Here.

Becoming Conspiritors

We hope you'll become a conspiritor with one of our students during our upcoming 2016/17 season.  Just jump over to our DONATE page to invest $100 in a young person looking for creative ways to make the kin-dom of God real alongside Detroiters for the transformation of the world!  $100 Annual Donors also get a membership in our WESLEY 100, a fan club of supporters receiving gifts and reminders of the deep discipleship and mission made possible in your partnership with #motowesley students.

Motor City Wesley Clergy Advisor