Same Mind & A Boost for Mental Health


We invite you to gather with friends and people you trust. Spend some time together to help each other make it through life. Be courageous in sharing, compassionate in responding, and creative in your resilience together for the good of all.


  1. How is going?

  2. How can we help?

  3. Who else do we need to think and pray about today?


Sometimes the church does things that don’t seem very churchy, but are meant to help people be healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Check out this mental exercise offered by the United Methodist Church. Try it out by yourself and then challenge a friend to do the challenges at the same time aloud!


  1. What are the practices that keep you feeling healthy in mind, body, and Spirit?

  2. Along with mental health, what other areas have you seen faith communities help with? Did those efforts feel authentic? Did they ever feal like a “bait and switch"?”

  3. This hymn in Philippians 2 says a lot about the kind of mental space Jesus invites us to pursue. When have you felt encouragement, consolation, love, and joy because people of faith have helped you out?

  4. Who is one person who might need you to be their person of faith, offering practices to make their body, mind, or spirit healthier?


This week, share Philippians 2 or the Abundant Health Boost with someone who might really need them right now. Follow up to see how they are doing and what other practices they might need to help them heal and thrive.

Carl GladstoneComment